Monday, June 18, 2007

Make your Google calendar your desktop wallpaper

Playing around with the Google Calendar API and I created WallCalendar. I wanted a simple way to have my google calendar as my wallpaper without installing Google Desktop. So here it is. You can pick a background image, plug in your details and enjoy. Double click the tray icon and it will take you to your Google calendar page for editing. Here's a screenshot of it running on my Vista machine, it works on XP great too.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Announcing JukeTube the YouTube Video JukeBox

I've just put up a new site called JukeTube that allows you to search for YouTube videos and have them play automatically. I use it to queue up music videos and live performances, creating my own YouTube radio station. Check it out at

Friday, May 11, 2007

We moved!

Moved the hosting over to blogspot to help with the traffic. Going to be unveiling a new tool in a day or too. Stay tuned!

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Screensaver is here! v1.6 for everyone!

After many requests, I've created a screensaver version of deskFlickr!

Download the v1.6 installer, then right click the .scr file and "Install" it.

Big news:
  • The screensaver supports multiple monitors
  • Screensaver settings are separate from the regular deskFlickr settings so you can have different tags for each
  • v1.6 now has links for both the wallpaper you have and the Flickr page, so you can get to either quickly
  • The link for the collage Flickr page allows you to click on any square of the collage and be taken to that Flickr page
  • Added an installer that puts the files in a folder on your desktop so no more errors trying to run it from the website!
Enjoy and keep deskFlickr-ing!

Download link on the right!