Friday, May 18, 2007

Announcing JukeTube the YouTube Video JukeBox

I've just put up a new site called JukeTube that allows you to search for YouTube videos and have them play automatically. I use it to queue up music videos and live performances, creating my own YouTube radio station. Check it out at


Robyn said...

I LOVE this! My work computer doesn't allow streaming of radio stations, but now I can listen to my favorite tunes and no commercials.

Caped Avenger said...

I hate to say this, but I think using Youtube as a jukebox is a terrible idea. It abuses the service and it'll only be a matter of time before the RIAA gets their greedy little hands on the concept and starts treating it like an Internet Radio station, wanting to charge royalties for it.

Jeremy said...

Well Caped Avenger, I don't think this qualifies as abuse. YouTube allows building playlists and saving them, the only difference is that it is not easy to do and they don't play automatically. I really think it will only be a matter of time before YouTube has this functionality built in.