Friday, January 05, 2007

The Screensaver is here! v1.6 for everyone!

After many requests, I've created a screensaver version of deskFlickr!

Download the v1.6 installer, then right click the .scr file and "Install" it.

Big news:
  • The screensaver supports multiple monitors
  • Screensaver settings are separate from the regular deskFlickr settings so you can have different tags for each
  • v1.6 now has links for both the wallpaper you have and the Flickr page, so you can get to either quickly
  • The link for the collage Flickr page allows you to click on any square of the collage and be taken to that Flickr page
  • Added an installer that puts the files in a folder on your desktop so no more errors trying to run it from the website!
Enjoy and keep deskFlickr-ing!

Download link on the right!